Doing it all the hard way...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year, new plan

Matthew chugging along on our New Year's day team ride
January 1 saw three hearty souls brave the 32 degree weather for a seventy kilometer spin around the south end of Lake Washington.  As our wind-numbed faces struggled to speak clearly, one of us pointed out that all three of us grew up in Southern California.  Trivia for sure as we could find no deeper meaning from that tidbit. 

I'm not one for resolutions.  If I come up with a good idea; rather than hold off until I get a new calendar, I just put it into practice.  I have a good idea and the plan is underway.

I sincerely enjoyed my low key season.  I have enjoyed logging in some slower miles and having fries without too much guilt. 

My training will have one focus for 2013.  Intensity.  Go fast, or go slow.  Nothing in between.

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