Doing it all the hard way...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Coffee and Lies #57 Back on the saddle

My idea of fun may be different than yours.
I went for an easy ride yesterday and by chance hooked up with local legend and all around good guy, Mr. Wick. We hung for a few miles then went our separate ways, his way was fast and my way; not so much.

Today was the traditional Sunday morning Coffee and Lies rendezvous.  In a rare show of prudence we started an hour later due to freezing temperatures and enough ice to justify the delay.  I joined McWoodie, Big John, Feral Dave and the Pirate as we made our way around Mercer Island.  

We weren't in a hurry, which meant my lack of fitness wasn't as noticeable as it could have been.  Still Feral Dave and I opted for a pace the revealed our lack of insecurities. 

We didn't set any records and for everyone else I am sure this was just another winter ride, but for me it was special.  I've been on the sidelines for longer than I ever thought I would be and the ride and companionship was sweet.

As we finished an hour later than usual (remember the delayed start due to ice?) we got lucky and secured a table for pastries, coffee and lies.  The day had finally warmed up but we were still glad to be in a warm place with hot drinks. 

We discussed a range of stupid stuff including the upcoming super bowl.  Before long life's obligations summoned us in different directions and we parted. 

I am out of shape and my legs are tired.  It feels good to be sore again.

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