Doing it all the hard way...

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hard Things

We don’t get self-esteem by being told we are special.  We get self-esteem by doing hard things.

Training and aging provides a dichotomy that provides almost daily conflict.  Aging tells me to listen to my body and go by feel.  If it hurts; back off. Training tells me that pain in weakness leaving my body and that I need to push through the hurt.  Go figure.

2016 has been a year of backing off.  Backing off has made me soft.  I hate being soft.

New Year’s always seems like an odd time to make plans, set goals or change direction.  I find the end of summer is a good time to take a measure of things and look at opportunities for improvement.

My end of summer assessment and my performance on some recent undertakings classifies me as soft and slow.  Backing off when things get hard has become a habit; a very bad habit.  I need to get back to embracing hard things and all that comes with them.  I must once again get on good terms with my pain cave.  I have projects at home that require dedicated effort.  I need to accept challenges and complete them.

My goal is to commit to, prepare for, and complete hard things.  The older we get the longer the path back becomes.  The path is also fraught with complexity and setbacks. Preparing for hard things is a delicate balance. You can’t attack it like you are twenty years old.  It is a strategic and measured plan that must be faithfully executed.  The only way the path gets shorter is to start.  Care to join me?

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